Friday, May 2, 2008

think I'll name him Scuttle...

Have you missed me, fair readers? I've missed you too. And, I've lots to catch up with you on. Nothing important, just all the daily joys of Lin at Home.

You may be wondering to yourself, "wait a minute... is this the same Lindsey I know?? It's awfully early for her to be alive..."
You are correct, my friend. Believe me, it was not by choice that I am awake at this ungodly hour (ie, in the eights)...

There is a lovely birdfriend that lives in the tree outside my bedroom window at my apartment complex. For some reason, he thinks the sixes are a good hour to begin practicing his arias.

I've no idea what kind of bird he is, except that I think maybe he is akin to our favorite animated albatross that so brilliantly serenaded us in The Little Mermaid. Perhaps he moved to Texas because he couldnt find work during the Writer's Strike. Perhaps I should invest in some avian singing lessons from Cinderella or Princess Giselle from Enchanted...

Anyway, I woke up, he was too noisy to go back to sleep, so I came on over to James' house, and by the time I got here, I was too awake to go back to sleep.

1 comment:

JayAre said...

I just want to point out that... well I guess I actually have no comment for this post...