Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Super Excited!!!

James & I start Ballroom dancing lessons tomorrow!!! I'm soooooo pumped. He will be Gilles & I will be Lacey (from Dancing With The Stars). Wheeee!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ow. I tell you what, Ow.

So earlier today, I gouged my hand with a pair of scissors. I was trying to cut the packaging off our new can opener (YAY- gnawing is no longer the most effective method to open canned goods!!!), the scissors slipped, and of course, since they were open, cut my hand in two separate places.

I just thought that hurt...

Later, I was boiling some water in my tea kettle. Usually, the handle is heatsafe, so you can pick it up without mitts, even when the water is boiling. Not so today. It was super hot, so I tried to quickly set the kettle back down, and when I did, some water sloshed out on my hand. That sent the kettle flying, pouring almost the whole kettlefull directly on me. Or rather, directly on my right boob. HOLYPOO.

So now my right chestybits are covered in bandages & an inch thick layer of burn cream. The doc said usually second degree burns arent that bad, but since they're on such a *ahem* sensitive area, they're having me come in for the next few days to clean & have the bandages professionally changed. I got a tetnaus shot (I didn't even tell them about the scissors fiasco), a pain shot, and some vicodin. I'm totally looped right now, and very happily itching like mad, because I'm no longer in much pain. I already slept for a few hours, and I woke up a couple of times with my face held in very theatrical positions... like... a big giant "hmmmm...", an "eeeeeew" crinkled nose, and a very skeptical "uh, yah right". So g'night! I'm off to have some incredibly bizarre dreams...