Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Aaaaand we're off, like a speedingherdofturtles!

James and I are headed to Ruidoso! Drive out time: 6:42 am, stinking early, but much better the "3 or 4 am" that James suggested we leave.

Max is coming with us! He has spent the entire trip sleeping & lazing around the car. Also, he made me a dress of fur.... He's been shedding buckets all over me... blegh!

After we'd been on the road about an hour, a big storm hit,and max did not like it one little bit:

Now, we're in Artesia, NM, and are driving through another huge storm. I can't get a good shot of max, but it's pretty similar to this one, except he's buried down between a bunch of suitcases & pillows... There is so much hail here that it's piled up in fields & on the sides of the road, and it looks like snow.

Emergency of the Day: We forgot the keys to the cabin, but that wasn't the big drama. We also forgot the bag that had all our toothbrushes/ deodorant/ soap/ shampoo/ etc in it, but that wasn't it either. No, the emergency occurred when James realized (along about Fredricksburg) that he remembered the 42" plasma and the satellite dish, but forgot the receiver. Horror of Horrors, for a few minutes, we thought we were gonna be without TV for a few days... but no worries... My hunny quickly got on the phone & remedied the problem by having a friend go to the house & OVERNIGHT us the box to Ruidoso's post office....

OH... aren't we nerds for taking a pic at the state line?? :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sounds like fun!! Enjoy the mountains!!