Friday, May 2, 2008

As Promised, Bathtime for Max

A couple of weeks ago, Max got out a couple of times (you should have seen the dogs trying to make friends with him!), got pretty muddy, and turned into a bit of a fleabag. James had some kitteh shampoo on hand, so we decided it was time for Max & Annie to have their baths. Max went first, and after the very necessary peticure, we finally got him in the sink. The entire process was hysterical, but required all 4 hands, so we didnt get any pictures until it was time to dry him off. Next, Annie had her turn. She had taken baths before, and she's about a quarter Max's size, so James could hold her while I took a couple of pics. In the middle of it all, the guy from the phone company showed up, and he looked at me pretty strangely when I opened the door, and the entire kitchen was covered in watery soap suds, and he saw what we were doing to our animals... Hope he didnt call PETA... Anyway, here are the pics...


JayAre said...

Remember the comment I left you about working in PJ's?
I would like to repeat it on behalf of my friend Max:

Just speaking up for those who can't speak for themselves.
Oh yeah, he also doesn't want clothes!

jenn said...

CLOTHES? who would put clothes on their cats? OH YEAH~ maybe the same ones that put nails on their cats!!!! :) just kidding luvya :)

Benny said...

poor cat :(