Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good thing James is not as picky as Max

Last night, I made this for supper. It was good... not great. Definitely RaeRay's (or my) best recipe, but better than edible. James & I both feel the same way about sundried tomatoes: We like the flavor & the asthetics they add to a meal, but neither of us would care to voluntarily bite into one. When we finished, both our bowls were left sitting on the coffee table, with them left in it. I did accidentally burn them, but only a bit, and since they were soaked in soy sauce, they didn't look very pleasant... like slugs.

We were watching tv, & before we could get around to bussing our dishes, Max hopped up on the table. He sniffed around our bowls very curiously, circling around it several times, then, to show us what he thought of my cooking, he turned around, and started "covering" it with his paws on the table... evidently he thought it looked and smelled like something that should be in his litterbox.

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