Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Late Night Wizarding

Last night, James and I went to see Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince. At midnight. HOLY moly was it ever packed. We arrived about 30 minutes ahead of time, and after cruising the parking lot for EVER looking for a space, decided to put Lexi's 4wheel drive to use & park on the grass. The theatre had all 10 screens showing the movie at midnight, and all ten were sold out (we bought our tickets online last week).

No, I did not dress up (James said no), but I did wear my jammies... it was midnight, after all. There were a few people there wearing pointy hats & graduation robes with stripey scarves, but the biggest crowd were the teenagers that had evidently had parties with all their BFFs to make matching puffpaint t-shirts saying things like "HP6 '09" and "I *heart* Ron". They all had smudgy eyeliner "scars" on their foreheads, too.

The movie was great, but I will give the same bits of advice I gave for Dark Knight and 007:

1) Whatever money saving magical combos they tempt you with, do not, I repeat, DO NOT give in and purchase the large drink... the movie is nearly 3 hours long.

2) Show up early enough to not have to sit in the front row, three inches from Ron's freckles. Luckily, this one didn't give me a migraine like the last one did (it was all the 3-D in the IMAX crazy that did me in last time), but it was still neck cricking, and difficult to fully appreciate all the incredible special effects.

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciated my sweet James' willingness to take me to a 3 hour long movie at midnight, but sometimes, he will do or say something that simply makes me fall in love all over again. During one part, some romantical stuff was going on, and instead of hooting like the rest of the audience, he leaned over and whispered, "aww... he's her lobster!"

He, most certainly, is my lobster :)

By the way, the theatre was not only running the movie on all 10 screens at midnight, they did it all over again at 3:20am. Now THAT'S crazy.


The Johnsons said...

We are going tomorrow at 4:15 - hoping it won't be too crazy as compared to opening day, but we'll see. To get ready I reread the book, and then decided to go ahead and read Deathly Hallows. It had been four years since I'd read it, after all! I'm just not looking forward to the ending... :(

Dana said...

I'm going tomorrow at 10:20. SO excited! Thanks for the large drink warning! :)

Jessica said...