Monday, July 27, 2009

we're really not callus...

We have decided to get a puppy. I hope it doesn't seem heartless of us, but something about losing Aspen made us want another dog. Maybe it's because we need another furry thing to project love for her towards, or to help us in grieving for her... (sorry if it sounds silly "grieving" for a dog, but... well... there you are.) Maybe I feel like I need another chance to be a better pup-parent... Aspen was always James' dog. I've never really had one... my family has had a couple over the years, but never for more than a few months (since I was old enough to remember).

Also, I have a confession... I seem to have Baby Fever lately... I know I'm not ready for a baby just yet, but I want one anyway. Now, I know most of you are saying... "Lindsey?!?! but she doesn't want kids!!" Well... I've changed my mind. We've only been married for 7 months (today!), and we aren't ready for them yet, so we've decided to sort of use this new puppy as a baby pacifier/ training program. I've only ever been totally responsible for Max, and he is about as low maintenance as a living thing can get. Puppies are a handful, but not nearly the handful a baby would be. Sounds like a logical stepping stone to me...

So tomorrow morning, we are headed to meet a prospective new little sister for Max. Will let you know & post pics soon. Wish us luck!


The Johnsons said...

I don't think you're callus at all. I know lots of people that do this. I honestly think it's odd Mom and Dad haven't "replaced" Smudge/Cinder - not that they could ever really be replaced, but you get it.

And about the whole "baby fever" - :)

Benny said...

Best of luck with the new pup(s?), dearie.

Amy said...

Having Liz, loving Liz, waiting anxiously for baby to come, I will remind you of this; puppies become dogs and babies become children.

How' that for reality ??