Sunday, July 12, 2009

I've enjoyed about all the nature I can stand...

Not that I'm complaining... it's truly been amazing. I am on my way back to reality from spending 3 weeks in Ruidoso. We set out to spend about 10 days to two weeks, but after hearing all about the 110° weather at home, we just couldn't bear to leave our 70° haven.

During our first week, Mom & Dad came up to visit, and instantly fell in love with the peace & nature of the cabin & quaint little town (not to mention the lures of the nearby casino for Dad).

One night, on the way back to the cabin from town, we found a mama bear digging for some dinner for her cubbies! We didn't have the camera with us, so we hurried to pick it up & drop off mom. When we got back to the same dumpster, she was nowhere in sight. I rolled down my window, made a noise like we'd heard her make earlier, and she answered! In a few seconds, here she came! She was making a pretty big racket, and we think she was telling her out-of-sight cubs to not come out while she was posing for the weirdos in the big car taking her picture. Unfortunately, the only shots we got were pretty dark, and lightening them on the computer just kills the photo quality.

We had lots of other flora & fauna to entertain us, including deer, raccoons, a pair of orioles, some unidentified yellow birds, and woodpeckers, but the hummingbirds were the stars!!! Tons of them zoomed and flirted everywhere! They drank 3 large feeders full every day, and probably would have had twice that much if we had been obliging. A couple of times, one actually came inside, looking for another feeder. In the mornings, if we were lazy in getting up and getting their breakfast (who, us???), they would come up to the windows tell us all about it, and sometimes, they'd get so vehement about it, they'd get their beaks stuck in the screen for a minute!

James monkeyed with the camera, and figured out how to get some incredible shots. Once, one landed on his hand while he was snapping pics. In the first picture, a mama hummer came inside and got her beak stuck trying to get out, poor thing. James eventually put the feeder in the doorway to lead her out.

We are so blessed- we got to spend our six monthaversary such a peaceful place. I learned that my hubby can make a killer omelet! Sometime around the end of the second week, I sort of had a nervy ditherspaz breakdown about the spiders, so James was a darling & set off a couple of bug bombs, and things were much better after that. Even though he told me he thinks I need therapy about the spiders.

To say that Max had fun would be the understatement of the century. (In this picture, he was hanging out about 15 feet up the tree.) His favorite thing to do outside is to roll in dirt, so when it came time to leave today, he was beyond filthy. We decided to give him a quick bath before we got in the car. He has been pouting ever since. As soon as we got in the car, he crawled under and between the suitcases, and hasn't shown his face in hours.

In the intrest of keeping this blog readable, I'll post a few other more detailed blogs about things like Smokey the Bear, the 4th of July, & hiking in high heels.


Amy said...

Great post, Lindsey!! Your mom told me some of the stories, but the pictures really make it awesome! Welcome back to the heat!

Libby said...

That last picture of y'all is just beautiful! Glad to be able to keep up with you now!!

Dana said...

Welcome back! I've missed you! :) Your pictures are great - so glad y'all had a good time.

Jessica said...

I think Max is actually smiling in that picture! :)

Belinda Jordan said...

Hi Lin!!! I've been reading your blog for probably the last hour :) Anyhow, this one about Ruidoso is amazing. You guys are so blessed to have stayed there for so long. What exactly is a bug bomb? I saw a large, large spider in our house the other day and also threw a fit. Please help :)