Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things I've Learned

1) Two people run through things like toothpaste & soap a LOT more quickly than just one.

2) James runs in his sleep. It's cute.

3) It's nice to be rescued from the middle of a bad dream.

4) I always figured that once I got married, I'd trade in my necessary 47 pillows and a stuffed animal or few for my husband. Especially given what a hugger I am, I always figured I'd be a big sleep cuddler. I am not- cuddling is great & required and all, but when it's time to go to sleep, I need my space. And I still need my bears. James is very understanding.

Happy one monthaversary to my sweet husband :)

ps: when I woke up this morning, there were a dozen red roses on the dresser... i think he likes me :)


Dana said...

It has already been a month!?!? WOW! When did that happen?

And I think that Caleb needs to give you some pictures so we can see them! :)

Benny said...

seriously, one of these days he is going to ride into the house on a white horse to sweep you off for a romantic... something else, and nobody would be surprised.