Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today, I got to have lunch with a friend I haven't seen in about two years. We used to work together, & then she moved out of state, but she's recently moved back to town.

The last time I saw her, her son was in daycare, & she lived next door to her mother in law, so I thought I was safe. No such luck- she's now a stay at home mom, so four year old Jaiden came to lunch with us. Boy was I ecstatic.

Of course, he instantly became my "best fwiend", and wanted to sit by me. As kids go, he was pretty intelligent, fairly polite, and a very talkative & personalitied little thing.

Around the time Sarah was telling me "ugh, I've GOT to go to the gym today... I can barely fit into my size 3 jeans today!", Jaiden gave me a biiiiiiig hug, and proclaimed loudly enough for our waiter & all the surrounding tables to hear,

"WOW!!! You're really SQUISHY!!!"

He then proceeds to poke me everywhere, to see just how squishy I am... ("your ARMS are squishy... and your LEGS are REALLY squishy!", etc.)

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