Sunday, April 27, 2008

Delicious Day

Yes, I always compare everything to food... haven't you met me??

Today, James and I are sitting around in our pjs, watching the spurs have their hineys handed to them by phoenix in game 4. Our bellies are stuffed full of yummm homemade nachos. It is pouring rain, crashing thunder, and we have a glowing fire in the fireplace (yes, i know it's almost May, but hey, it's in the 50's, & it'll be ages until we get another chance at one!). We have two purring kitties lounging across the room from each other, each facing different directions, because if they knew they were both in here, they would not be sleeping. I think we may play monopoly in a little bit, or maybe get out the crayons & coloring books.

Anyway, I was deluged with comments after my last post, so rather than clogging up my comment section by responding to each one, i thought I'd respond here:

Yes, I know comments are like cooties, so I'll do my best to infect everyone!

I always found it necessary to keep at least an entire package of papertowels handy. How do you think my computer kept working for almost 3 years?! again, havent you met me? :)

YaY i gedda work in my pjs every day!!! (but i do have an official shirt with the directv logo on it, for in case i hafta go help with something)

Thanks for all the luv :)

hmm... think i'm off to play risk...


Anonymous said...

So glad to have another link to add to my blog folder. Now I have four! Two of my nieces, my daughter and (it's official today), my soon to be (fall of the year, I'm hearing) daughter-in-law!

Dana said...

WHAT!? There is SO an email coming your way right now!

jenn said...

I'm with Dana! WHAT!?!?!?! i will be calling you soon! i need to know the news!
love ya:)