Monday, April 28, 2008

Clarification & Congratulations

OkOkOkOk... nobody panic...

A comment was left on my post from yesterday referring to someone's "soon to be daughter in law".

Now, really. If I were the "soon to be daughter-in-law, possibly in the fall", do you reeeeally think I'd be able to keep a lid on that? Heavens, no. I'm afraid I'd be that annoying girl that calls/texts/emails/myspacecomments/faxes/snailmails EVERYONE she's EVER met EVER, with full details including pics & audio/video clip of EVERY moment of the event. Yup. I'm that girl.

No, don't worry, you haven't missed anything. In that comment, I'm one of the nieces mentioned. "Mimi" is my aunt Doris, and evidently, my cousin Jay recently popped the question to his girlfriend. Congrats & luvs to them!!!

In other news, my attempt at global domination via Risk:

and it took almost 7 hours!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Delicious Day

Yes, I always compare everything to food... haven't you met me??

Today, James and I are sitting around in our pjs, watching the spurs have their hineys handed to them by phoenix in game 4. Our bellies are stuffed full of yummm homemade nachos. It is pouring rain, crashing thunder, and we have a glowing fire in the fireplace (yes, i know it's almost May, but hey, it's in the 50's, & it'll be ages until we get another chance at one!). We have two purring kitties lounging across the room from each other, each facing different directions, because if they knew they were both in here, they would not be sleeping. I think we may play monopoly in a little bit, or maybe get out the crayons & coloring books.

Anyway, I was deluged with comments after my last post, so rather than clogging up my comment section by responding to each one, i thought I'd respond here:

Yes, I know comments are like cooties, so I'll do my best to infect everyone!

I always found it necessary to keep at least an entire package of papertowels handy. How do you think my computer kept working for almost 3 years?! again, havent you met me? :)

YaY i gedda work in my pjs every day!!! (but i do have an official shirt with the directv logo on it, for in case i hafta go help with something)

Thanks for all the luv :)

hmm... think i'm off to play risk...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

first post- a slightly disjointed catch up

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be some kind of mashup of June Cleaver and Martha Stewart... minus the whole jail thing, of course... but more fun... maybe add a little Bridget Jones in there.

Recently, I quit my Office-Space-Cubicle-Hades type job, and started my dream job, working from home. Well... it's not actually my home yet *fingers crossed*, but I'm working on it. My boyfriend James has a DirecTV franchise, and works from home, so I have become his new Office Manager. If you don't believe me, just ask my new super-official business cards.

Today is Saturday, and I've just finished Week 1 of the Dream Job. There's lots to do. I've mostly just been filing, so far. James' files have been completely disorganized, with papers just stacked in piles, dating back to January of 04. He needed me.

At this point, you may scratch your head and say to yourself, "... Lindsey?? the same Lindsey I know?? organized?? *pfft*..." Now, I know, I am not always what one might call a "neatnik" (no snickering allowed), but let me refresh your memory.

Does anyone remember me in school? I always had matching spiral notebooks, folders, and pens for each class. How about the time I was asked to create a notebook detailing the job duties for the receptionist position at my old job? It was color coded and cross referenced. More recently, has anyone seen my Poker Notebook? Not only is it color coded & cross referenced, it efficiently & concisely stores the records of every poker game I've ever run.

I am the perfect candidate for this job. I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with office supplies. Give me a project, and I instantly flip into Turbo Anal-Retentive Organized Barbie mode (complete with pink file cabinet). I will have this office so micro-organized that James wont be able to find a thing in no time!

Anyway, I'll be keeping everyone that cares (or is bored enough to read this) up to date with my goings-on here. And I promise not to be so long-winded in future posts.

Coming soon: Max's First Bath (complete with pictures!)