Thursday, January 29, 2009

Finally, Some Wedding Pictures

Our wedding was lovely.
I couldn't have dreamed of anything more perfect.
To those of you who came and/or helped, I truly cannot thank you enough.
We love you all :)

My sweet aunt helps James fix his collar.

Preeeeetty dress :)

My Parents' Lovely Living Room

James waiting for me under the Mistletoe

I didn't have flower girls, I had Snow Angels!

During the Ceremony:

After that kiss, he had lipstick EVERYWHERE!!!!

Feedin' Time

P-Town Friends

A-Town Friends

Cutest Li'l DJ Ever

The Whole Family

My sweet MofH/ Cousin
& Her Fiance

Me-n-My Brudder

My sweet Memaw:
Bless her heart, she had no idea where she was, who she was, or who any of us were....

The Yummmmmy Buffet.

YaY for mistletoe!!!

The Girls with our mani/pedi's

The Getaway: I LOVED the paper airplanes!!!

For allllll the pictures, click here to see my Photobucket album. In particular, LaMores, Johnsons, and Maxwells: There are some GREAT ones of yall!

If you want to have any printed, let me know, and I'll get you the original sized picture, and get with Caleb if any slight edits need to be made (ie: color adjustment, cropping, or removal of red-eye or double chins).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today, I got to have lunch with a friend I haven't seen in about two years. We used to work together, & then she moved out of state, but she's recently moved back to town.

The last time I saw her, her son was in daycare, & she lived next door to her mother in law, so I thought I was safe. No such luck- she's now a stay at home mom, so four year old Jaiden came to lunch with us. Boy was I ecstatic.

Of course, he instantly became my "best fwiend", and wanted to sit by me. As kids go, he was pretty intelligent, fairly polite, and a very talkative & personalitied little thing.

Around the time Sarah was telling me "ugh, I've GOT to go to the gym today... I can barely fit into my size 3 jeans today!", Jaiden gave me a biiiiiiig hug, and proclaimed loudly enough for our waiter & all the surrounding tables to hear,

"WOW!!! You're really SQUISHY!!!"

He then proceeds to poke me everywhere, to see just how squishy I am... ("your ARMS are squishy... and your LEGS are REALLY squishy!", etc.)

Things I've Learned

1) Two people run through things like toothpaste & soap a LOT more quickly than just one.

2) James runs in his sleep. It's cute.

3) It's nice to be rescued from the middle of a bad dream.

4) I always figured that once I got married, I'd trade in my necessary 47 pillows and a stuffed animal or few for my husband. Especially given what a hugger I am, I always figured I'd be a big sleep cuddler. I am not- cuddling is great & required and all, but when it's time to go to sleep, I need my space. And I still need my bears. James is very understanding.

Happy one monthaversary to my sweet husband :)

ps: when I woke up this morning, there were a dozen red roses on the dresser... i think he likes me :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

why does the urge to write always strike at the most random times?

Yah, like at 2am on a church night...

I think I've been avoiding my blog lately because I know that the task that lays before me is such a daunting one. I've got a New York trip, a wedding, a honeymoon, and almost an entire month of marriage to chronicle for you! I'll start small...

I love visiting home... I only let myself do things like take a 3 hour nap, then wake up only to lay around on my fat happy & read an entire book when I'm here.