Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So when we got back yesterday (around 5:30 pm), we decided a nap was in order...

I crashed on the couch, and when I woke up, the clock said it was a little before 6, & it was dark. Since it is totally not unreasonable for me to sleep more than 12 hours even when I'm not completely sleep deprived, I assumed it was morning, & got up. I was all proud of myself for getting up so early... I made coffee, and thought I'd maybe write my brother, maybe go to the grocery store when it opened...

By the time I realized the clock was broken, and it was actually about 1:30 in the morning, I had already consumed the entire pot of coffee, so there was no way I could go back to sleep any time soon. I ended up playing poker til almost 5.



Dana said...


The Johnsons said...

Hate to admit I've done this a couple of times. Not fun. Your Vegas pics look like great fun! We had a blast when we went. Maybe we'll go back one day...

Dray said...

Early morning like that is good to play because all the crazy europeans are online. Full Tilt shows you where everyone's from now, and I swear don't ever bluff a French person. They're the biggest calling stations in the universe. Just make a hand and take em to VALUE TOWN BABY!

Sooooo how'd you do?