Monday, November 16, 2009

Black Thumb, or Sabotage?

Ok, so I'm not known for my green thumb... I know it partially has to do with the fact that when I purchase plants, I usually tend to buy the saddest, most scraggly ones, because I feel sorry for them that nobody else will adopt them. However, over the last few months, Mom has started me a few herb plants that are perfectly healthy & alive when I get them, but are completely dead within a couple of weeks. I figured I wasn't watering them properly (too much or too little?), so I got some of the AquaGlobes to do that part for me. The last one she gave me, Molly the Mint, is technically still alive, but is in a pretty sorry state:

Then, the other night, I think I discovered the source of my black thumb!! I caught MAX eating the leaves!!! I haven't been able to catch him on camera, but there were a few white hairs left behind as evidence. Has he been eating all my plants, or do I really end up killing them all?


Unknown said...

Hahahaaha, that made me laugh. Plants aren't really my thing unless we're talking about pretty flowers. Because all you have to do for those is put them in a vase with water.. Love, Malou.

Raffy Jay said...

Funny one